July 9, 2017

Consumer Culture Theory Conference 2017

03:30 PM - 02:00 PM

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Iowa State University

Iowa State University



Disneyland Hotel

Anaheim, California
July 9-12, 2017

Conference Themes:

Cultural Hybridization
We live within a global culture that is being rapidly transformed especially due to developments in technology (e.g. social media) and emerging cultural geographies. Russell Belk (2005) aptly titled his work, “Hyperreality and Globalization.” Thus the two themes for the conference are “hyperreality” and “cultural hybridization.” Conference themes are suggestive and not deterministic.  We recommend conference participants to explore themes that reflect their contemporary interests.
Conference Location - Why Disneyland? In practical terms, Disneyland is less than a half hour drive from the University of California, Irvine. As a cultural imaginary, here is a quote from Jean Baudrillard that describes it as follows: 

“Disneyland is presented as imaginary in order to make us believe that the rest is real, whereas all of Los Angeles and the America that surrounds it are no longer real, but belong to the hyperreal order and to the order of simulation.”

A second theme for the conference is “cultural hybridization,” implying that thanks to virtual media and other related developments, we are witnessing a transnational imaginary and global cultural connectivity that has not been seen before -- leading to transformations in cultural patterns and practices. The CCT forum affords the unique opportunity to explore related themes.

Call for Participation

Notification of Accepted Works: March 15, 2017
To go to the submission portal, please click here.
For more information please feel free to contact Conference Chair at cct2017@exchange.uci.edu.


Russell BelkRussell Belk
York University, Toronto, Canada

Belk is the Kraft Foods Canada Chair in Marketing and York University Distinguished Research Professor. He has received the Paul D. Converse Award and the Sheth Foundation/Journal of Consumer Research Award for Long Term Contribution to Consumer Research, two Fulbright Awards, and has over 600 publications. His research tends to be qualitative, cultural, and visual and involves the extended self, meanings of possessions, collecting, gift-giving, sharing, robotics, digital consumption, and materialism. Professor Belk is a founding member of the Consumer Culture Theory organization.



Sunday, July 9

1:00 pm  5:00 pm

CCT Board Meeting - By Invitation Only (Frontier Board Room) 

3:00 pm  6:00 pm

Registration (Magic Kingdom Hallway) 

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm 

Welcome Reception and Remarks, Mary Gilly, Senior Associate Dean, UCI Paul Merage School of Business (Adventure Lawn - outdoors)

Monday, July 10

All Day – Registration, Poster Gallery

7:30 am – 8:30 am

Coffee and Tea with snacks (Magic Kingdom Hallway)

8:30 am – 10:00 am

Session 1 (Monorail, Adventure, Castle, Safari, Mark Twain)

10:00 am – 10:30 am

Morning Break (Magic Kingdom Hallway)

10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Session 2 (Monorail, Adventure, Castle, Safari, Mark Twain)

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Lunch - Keynote Speaker, Russell Belk (Magic Kingdom Ballroom)

1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Session 3 (Monorail, Adventure, Castle, Safari, Mark Twain)

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Afternoon Break (Magic Kingdom Hallway)

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Session 4 (Monorail, Adventure, Castle, Safari, Mark Twain)

5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Poster Session, Reception and Art Gallery (Magic Kingdom Ballroom)

10:00 pm – 10:30 pm

Special Event: Disney World of Colors (Disney California Adventure Park, Paradise Pier)

Tuesday, July 11

7:30 am – 8:30 am

Coffee and Tea with snacks (Magic Kingdom Hallway)

8:30 am – 10:00 am

Session 5 (Monorail, Adventure, Castle, Safari, Mark Twain)

10:00 am – 10:30 am

Morning Break (Magic Kingdom Hallway)

10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Session 6 (Monorail, Adventure, Castle, Safari, Mark Twain)

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Awards Lunch (Magic Kingdom Ballroom)

1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

General Session: Exploring the Role and Future of CCT (Magic Kingdom Ballroom)

3:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Afternoon Break (Magic Kingdom Hallway)

4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Poetry Session, Reception and Art Gallery (Mark Twain)

Wednesday, July 12

7:30 am – 8:30 am

Coffee and Tea with snacks (Magic Kingdom Hallway)

8:30 am – 10:00 am

Session 7 (Monorail A, Monorail BC, Adventure, Castle, Safari)

10:00 am – 10:30 am

Morning Break (Magic Kingdom Hallway)

10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Session 8 (Monorail A, Monorail BC, Adventure, Castle, Safari)

12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Lunch and Closing Remarks by Dean Eric Spangenberg, UCI Paul Merage School of Business (Magic Kingdom Ballroom)

Download Program Details at a Glance

Download Full Conference Program

Qualitative Data Analysis Workshop

Cele C. Otnes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Markus Giesler, York University, Toronto
Linda Tuncay Zayer, Loyola University, Chicago

The Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) workshop, to be co-chaired by Cele Otnes, Markus Giesler, and Linda Tuncay Zayer, will be held July 7-9 at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California. The workshop will end at 1 p.m. July 9 to allow participants plenty of time to transition to the CCT location, and for any mentors who need to attend the CCT Board meeting, which will begin at 2 p.m. The co-chairs are in the planning stages of the workshop. The 2017 workshop will be formatted to provide different mentorship experiences for scholars who wish to discuss work at relatively early stages of the research process, but will also offer rigorous mentorship for those whose work is in revision for a journal. The co-chairs look forward to creating another exciting and enlightening workshop. The call for applications will appear by October 1, and will also be available at the ACR Conference in Berlin.

Disney World of Color 

The World of Color is Disney’s water & light spectacular at Disney California Adventure Park. The most impressive and fanciful nighttime extravaganza Disney has ever produced, this show is accompanied by momentous music as well as stunning fire, fountain, fog and laser effects.

Poetry Session

Poetry Session - Caracal Ceol-TacendaCaracal Ceol Tacenda 

The title of this year’s poetry reading - pronounced /ˈkerəˌkal/ / ky-OHL/ /tə"sɛndə/ - can be interpreted metaphorically as the cloak that individuals wrap themselves in to protect their private rhythm from public revelation. Imagine the thin skin separating sacred from profane, and consider how we hide our true selves from popular scrutiny. People strive to preserve the implicit as they dress the ineffable. By attending this session, participants are essentially unfastening this mantle of invisibility that conceals their uniqueness from the world around them to allow some of their hidden meanings to emerge. This is certainly one of the principal joys of appreciating poetry. 

Poets: Hilary Downey, Esi Elliot, Terry Gabel, Pilar Rojas Gaviria, Katarina Husemann, Ron Joseph, Stephen LeMay, Sidney J. Levy, Jim McAlexander, Laurie Meamber, David Mick, Victoria Rodner, John Schouten, John F. Sherry, Jr., Sandra Smith, Anatasia Thyroff

Art Gallery

The Art Gallery returns for another year with three beautiful pieces on display. The CCT Art Gallery was curated by Ekant Veer and Anastasia Seregina and seeks to encourage expressions of CCT research, thought and understanding through various art forms. We encourage delegates to not only reflect on the artwork but also seek ways to express their own research in artistic forms. Please support the many artists in our field by visiting the gallery and discussing the pieces with their creators and others. 

Inside the Joint Sphere of Value Co-Creation 
Mai Khanh Tran, University of Birmingham 
Christina Goulding, University of Birmingham 

Cuniculanthropy III
Luciana Walther, Federal University of Sao Joao Del Rei

Bringing Sensory Anthropology to Consumer Research
Rebecca Scott, Cardiff Business School 


Disneyland Hotel with Pools

All conference sessions will take place at the Disneyland Hotel.

1150 West Magic Way
Anaheim, California 92802
(714) 778-6600
(714) 956-6597

Planning Your Stay

About Us

Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) is the denomination of a certain approach to the study of consumers and consumption.

This approach basically considers consumption and its involved behavioral choices and practices as social and cultural phenomena – as opposed to psychological or purely economic phenomena. CCT, in the words of one of the summarizing articles about the field, “refers to a family of theoretical perspectives that address the dynamic relationship between consumer actions, the marketplace, and cultural meanings.”

CCT is not only referring to this family of perspectives, but also to an informal group of researchers who to some degree identifies with the cultural approach to the study of consumption and consumers. Thus, CCT also can be said to mean Consumer Culture Theorists. Most, but not all the people in this informal group of researchers are employed at business schools, and they can be found on all continents (possibly excluding Antarctis) but with most of its proponents in North America and Europe.

The CCT group of researchers organizes and annual conference since 2006.

The Paul Merage School of Business

Merage School

The official host of the conference, The Paul Merage School of Business at UC Irvine offers four dynamic MBA programs – plus Ph.D., specialty masters and undergraduate business degrees – that graduate business leaders with the exceptional ability to help grow their organizations through strategic innovation, analytical decision-making, information technology and collaborative execution. While the Merage School is relatively young, it has quickly grown to consistently rank among the top 10% of all AACSB-accredited programs through exceptional student recruitment, world-class faculty, a strong alumni network and close relationships with both individual business executives and global corporations. We combine the academic strengths and best traditions of the University of California with the cutting-edge, entrepreneurial spirit of Orange County in the heart of Southern California’s Tech Coast. 

Conference Co-Chairs

  • Alladi Venkatesh, University of California Irvine
  • Samantha Cross, Iowa State University
  • Cecilia Ruvalcaba, University of the Pacific

Planning Committee

  • Duygu Akdevelioglu, University of California Irvine
  • Steven Chen, California State University Fullerton
  • Gokcen Coskuner-Balli, Chapman University
  • David Crockett, University of South Carolina
  • Mary Gilly, University of California, Irvine
  • Deborah Heisley, California State University Northridge
  • James McAlexander, Oregon State University
  • Hope Schau, University of Arizona
  • Joachim Scholz, California Polytechnic State University

Program Committee

  • Zeynep Arsel, Concordia University
  • Adam Arvidsson, University of Milan
  • Domen Bajde, University of Southern Denmark
  • Fleura Bardhi, City University of London
  • Kevin Bradford, University of California, Irvine
  • Tonya Bradford, University of California, Irvine
  • Bernard Cova, Kedge Business School
  • Janice Denegri-Knott, Bournemouth University
  • Nikhilesh Dholakia, University of Rhode Island
  • Susan Dobscha, Bentley University
  • Giana Eckhardt, Royal Holloway-University of London
  • Amber Epp, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Karen Fernandez, University of Auckland
  • A. Fuat Firat, University of Texas, Pan Am
  • Guliz Ger, Bilkent University
  • Markus Giesler, York University
  • Chris Hackley, Royal Holloway-University of London
  • Rika Houston, California State University Los Angeles
  • Ashlee Humphreys, Northwestern University
  • Aliakbar Jafari, University of Strathclyde
  • Annamma Joy, University of British Columbia
  • Eminegul Karababa, Middle Eastern Technological University
  • Seema Khanwalkar, CEPT University
  • Olga Kravets, Royal Holloway-University of London
  • Pauline MacLaran, Royal Holloway-University of London
  • Laurie Meamber, George Mason University
  • Johanna Moisander, Aalto University
  • Jacob Östberg, Stockholm University
  • Cornelia Otnes, University of Illinois
  • Nil Özçaglar, Lille 2 University
  • Diego Rinallo, Kedge Business School
  • Özlem Sandikçi, Istanbul Sehir University
  • Mike Saren, University of Leicester
  • Jonathan Schroeder, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Avi Shankar, University of Bath
  • Ahmet Suerdem, Istanbul Bilgi University
  • Kevin Thomas, University of Texas
  • Anastasia Thyroff, Clemson University
  • Rohit Varman, Deakin University
  • Ekant Veer, University of Canterbury
  • Ela Veresiu, York University
  • Henri A. Weijo, Bentley University