
Enrollment Learn more about enrolling in courses, our policies, important deadlines, and how to choose an emphasis.

Ready for enrollment? Below are some important information and resources to help you navigate the enrollment process.

How to Create An Academic Plan

How to Create An Academic Plan

Enrollment Policies & Tips

Enrollment Policies & Tips

Academic Resources

Academic Resources


Enrollment Deadlines

Enrollment Deadlines

Emphasis Overview

Emphasis Overview

Study Abroad & International Residential

Study Abroad & International Residential


How to Create An Academic Plan

Follow these steps and use these resources to create your Academic Plan:

  1. Check your academic performance and progress toward on DegreeWorks (Access reg.uci.edu > StudentAccess > DegreeWorks)
  2. Use our Sample 2 or 4 year plans to understand the flow of your degree requirements.
  3. Visit our Tentative Schedule and the Schedule of Classes (available Week 6 the quarter before) to determine courses offerings.
  4. Use our Quarter by Quarter Planning Sheet to plan your schedule. Start with placeholders (e.g., GE II, GE IV, MGMT UD Core) and fill in specific courses quarter-to-quarter.
  5. Visit our advising office or attend our quarterly enrollment workshop to receive assistance! Workshop dates are shared on our Instagram @MerageUG.


enrollment policies banner

Enrollment Policies and Tips

Preparing for enrollment? Here are a few policies and tips to keep in mind!

  • All BA major requirements must be taken for a letter grade. No exceptions.
  • All MGMT courses must be completed with letter grading unless they are only offered as P/NP. This policy applies regardless of how the MGMT course is applied toward your degree.

  • P/NP grading should only be utilized for non-MGMT courses. Students can complete on average, one P/NP course per quarter. To receive a "P" (Pass) and get credit/units, you must earn a grade equivalent to a "C-" or better (beginning Fall 2023).
  • However, if a course is taken for a letter grade, the minimum grade needed for credit would be at least a "D-" in most courses. This is especially important to note for graduating students who are trying to fulfill their unit requirements to graduate. You will need to weigh the risk of taking a course P/NP and not receiving any credit if you earn the equivalent to a D+ grade or lower.
  • Only 12 “P/NP only units” can be applied toward the 180-unit requirement for graduation. These “P/NP only” courses are classes that must be completed with P/NP grading and do not have a letter grade option available, such as internship courses or seminars. You can learn more by visiting the UCI Catalogue.
  • If you are planning to change your major or add a double major, you will be responsible for adhering to the corresponding School’s P/NP policy.
  • Lower-division writing courses must be completed with a grade of "C-" or better (or a "P" if taking the course for P/NP). If you are taking an upper-division writing course in your major, you must take the course for a letter grade.
  • Grade changes for applicable courses after Friday of Week 2 are never guaranteed. Should you require to make a change due to extenuating circumstances, you have until 5PM on Friday of Week 10 to submit a request to change the grade option of a course. Grade option changes will not be considered after that time – there are no exceptions. You will need to submit an enrollment exception request through Student Access > Applications > Enrollment Exceptions to request any changes (WebReg is not accessible for current quarter changes after Week 2).

  • Repeating a course? Courses can only be repeated if a student receives a grade of C-, D+, D, D-, F, or NP. In computing the GPA of a repeated course, the most recent grade received for a course will be utilized up to 16 units worth of repeats. After repeating more than 16 units, the GPA will be based on all additional grades assigned. You can learn more by visiting the UCI Catalogue.
  • If you are repeating a course more than twice, it is highly recommended that you speak with an advisor to review your options and evaluate how these repeats impact your pathway toward graduation. You can find ways to meet with an advisor here.
  • Students who repeat a course after already earning credit for it at UCI, through academic tests, or by transferring credit from another institution will be flagged as an unauthorized repeat. Students will be asked to drop a course as soon as possible. Unauthorized repeat credit will be removed from your UCI record and will leave a notation on your transcript. This is especially important for graduating students whose unauthorized repeat may prevent them from reaching the 180-unit requirement.

  • At the start of enrollment, students are initially restricted to 18 units until the restriction is lifted to 20 units for all students on a specific date each quarter. You can find this date on the Registrar’s Academic Calendar.
  • Major restrictions are usually in place for most non-GE courses at UCI. To understand if and when restrictions lift, please review the grey comment box at the top of the Schedule of Classes for each department.
  • If you completed a prerequisite requirement outside of UCI (i.e., at community college or UC Online), please submit our Prerequisite Clearance form to have this cleared. NOTE: A course populating correctly on your DegreeWorks does not mean the enrollment system will read this course as a completed prerequisite for a corresponding course.

  • Check the Schedule of Classes before your enrollment window begins. Note the course codes you need and prepare a handful of back-up courses.
  • Check your enrollment window on Monday of Week 7 using WebReg or on StudentAccess > Student Profile > Enrollment. Set multiple alarms so you do not miss your window!
  • Read the comments on the Schedule of Classes! Be mindful of any prerequisite requirements and enrollment restrictions listed. If you completed a prerequisite requirement outside of UCI (i.e., at community college), please submit our Prerequisite Clearance form in advance.
  • Meet with an academic advisor if you need assistance preparing a draft study list or reviewing your draft academic plan. We are available through drop-in services or scheduled appointments. Learn more here.
Academic Resources

Academic Resources

Quarterly Enrollment Deadlines

academic timeline part one

academic timeline part two

  • Ensure all fees are paid before the fee deadline each quarter to avoid being dropped from your courses.
  • Make any changes to your study list by Friday of Week 2 each quarter.
  • For any changes to your study list after Friday of Week 2, you may explore submitting an enrollment exception. These requests are never guaranteed. Please speak with an Academic Advisor to learn more. You can also find additional details on the Registrar's website: https://www.reg.uci.edu/enrollment/adc/exceptions.html

For specific quarterly dates and deadlines, visit the UCI Quarterly Academic Calendar.



Emphasis Overview

Emphasis Overview

Tap into accounting theory, practice, and research to prepare key statements, documents, and records for a company’s finances and support critical financial decisions

  • Financial Accounting
  • Management Accounting
  • Governmental Accounting
  • Public Accounting
  • Tax Accounting
  • Auditing
  • MGMT 131A

AND two of the following:

  • MGMT 131B: Intermediate Accounting II
  • MGMT 131C: Intermediate Accounting III
  • MGMT 132A: Individual Taxation
  • MGMT 133: Corporate and Partnership Taxation
  • MGMT 134: Data Analytics in Accounting
  • MGMT 136: Accounting Information Systems & Spreadsheets
  • MGMT 137: Advanced Accounting
  • MGMT 138: Auditing
  • MGMT 194: Financial Statement Analysis
  • MGMT 190: Special Topics in MGMT*

Covers a broad range of topics including corporate investments and financing decisions, security valuation, portfolio management, and the behavior of asset prices and investors

  • Portfolio Analyst
  • Financial Analyst
  • Real Estate Analyst
  • Private Equity Analyst
  • MGMT 141: Investments

AND two of the following:

  • MGMT 144: Multinational Finance
  • MGMT 145: FinTech
  • MGMT 147: Applied Financial Valuation
  • MGMT 149: Derivatives
  • MGMT 190: Special Topics in MGMT*

Understand how emerging digital technologies and associated platforms are changing competition and how firms can respond to adapt and thrive in this uncertain environment

  • Business Technology Intelligence
  • IT Analytics
  • Data Science

Complete at least three of the following:

  • MGMT 171: Social Media
  • MGMT 172: Data and Programming for Analytics
  • MGMT 173: Business Intelligence for Analytical Decisions
  • MGMT 174: Business Data Management
  • MGMT 176: Digital Strategies
  • MGMT 178: Management of Information Technology
  • MGMT 190: Special Topics in MGMT*

Covers all major areas like marketing strategy, pricing, product development, sales, communications, social media and consumer behavior to leverage in diverse business-to-business, business-to-consumer and internet marketing fields

  • Content/Creative Marketing & Advertising
  • Digital/Social Media
  • Sales
  • Market Research
  • Public Relations

Complete at least three of the following:

  • MGMT 150: Consumer Behavior
  • MGMT 151: Marketing Research
  • MGMT 153: Sales Management
  • MGMT 154: Global Marketing
  • MGMT 155: Brand Management
  • MGMT 156: Pricing Strategy
  • MGMT 158: Digital Media Marketing Strategy
  • MGMT 190: Special Topics in MGMT*

Studies how business processes function, and how to employ advanced analytics to make optimal or near-optimal decisions in a variety of business contexts

  • Supply Chain Management
  • Logistics
  • Inventory Management
  • Revenue Management and Pricing
  • MGMT 189: Operations Management

AND two of the following:

  • MGMT 182: Supply Chain Management
  • MGMT 196: Decision Analysis
  • MGMT 190: Special Topics in MGMT*

Learn about organizational behavior and theory to develop a robust understanding of leadership, management, innovation, decision-making, and power and influence

  • Human Resources
  • Consulting
  • Entrepreneurship

Complete at least three of the following:

  • MGMT 123: Creativity & Leadership in Entrepreneurial Organizations
  • MGMT 124: Human Resources Management
  • MGMT 125: Negotiations
  • MGMT 126: Foundation of Teams
  • MGMT 128: International Management
  • MGMT 129: Leadership
  • MGMT 190: Special Topics in MGMT*

*Not listed in detail are MGMT 190s courses, which can cover different emphasis areas subject to change year-to-year. To determine this, view the Tentative Class Schedule on this Enrollment Page. To view the description and prerequisite requirements for these courses, visit the comments section on the Schedule of Classes.

Keep in mind that MGMT 128, MGTM 144, and MGMT 154 will also satisfy the International Business requirement.

Note: DegreeWorks can only show and track one emphasis at a time. To update your emphasis or to add applicable courses not listed for the emphasis, submit the DegreeWorks Update Form on our website. Business Administration majors do not need to officially declare an emphasis. DegreeWorks will automatically track one emphasis based on the first applicable course is enrolled in.

Study Abroad & International Residential

study abroad image

UC Education Abroad Program (EAP)

EAP offers over 400 program options in over 40 countries.

By going abroad you will satisfy the international business requirement for the major. Students do not need to take business courses abroad. You can find study abroad tips for Business Administration Majors at https://studyabroad.uci.edu/how-to-study-abroad/choose/business-majors/business-admin-majors/.

Find UCEAP programs by visiting the Study Abroad website at https://studyabroad.uci.edu/.



International Residential

study abroad image

The Merage Undergraduate International Residential Program (MGMT 195: Experiential Development of a Global Business Perspective) is a course where students attend classes throughout the quarter and travel abroad for one week at the end of the quarter (country varies).

This program provides students with hands-on learning about socio-economic, cultural, managerial, and political issues faced by global business players outside the US while traveling abroad with your classmates. Students will receive credit for a 4-unit MGMT 190 course and Business Administration majors will satisfy their international business requirement. Note: This is not the only way to complete international business. This can also be satisfied by completing MGMT 128, MGMT 144, MGMT 154, or MGMT 160.

This program is generally offered during the Winter quarter, with travel over Spring Break. Review the Schedule of Classes to verify when it is offered. Admission is not guaranteed. Students must attend the mandatory information session during the Fall quarter to be considered for enrollment.

To learn more, watch the short introductory video below:


Hear from our previous students’ experience with the program in the spotlight below:

gam cao bio

Still have more questions about enrollment?
Click below for more information and assistance.