The Center conducts both academic and applied research. CDT serves as an interdisciplinary research institute drawing on economists, behavioral scientists, sociologists and computer scientists to help understand the emerging digital business environment. Our research areas address key constituencies for the research – business executives seeking to understand how to adapt their enterprises for success in a digital economy, technology executives focused on making critical IT-related decisions that advance company performance, managers of social enterprises and IT industry executives.
Our current focus is on five critical issue areas:
Michael Carey
Professor, Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Database management systems, Data intensive computing, Information integration, Distributed systems, Computer system performance evaluation
Vidyanand Choudhary
Professor and Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs, The Paul Merage School of Business
Economics of information systems and emerging technologies, Pricing strategy for software products, Price discrimination
Jason Dedrick
Visiting Professor, The Paul Merage School of Business
Globalization of IT, economic and organizational impacts of IT, smart grid technologies, cybersecurity in transactive energy markets
Sanjeev Dewan
Professor of Information Systems, The Paul Merage School of Business
Value of information technology investments, Information technology in financial markets, Electronic commerce
Paul Feldstein
Professor Emeritus of Economics and Public Policy, The Paul Merage School of Business
Economics of healthcare, Health plan performance, Health-care plan choice
Mary Gilly
Senior Associate Dean and Professor of Marketing, The Paul Merage School of Business
Service quality, Customer service, Internal marketing, Cross-cultural service encounters
Vijay Gurbaxani
Professor and Director, Center for Digital Transformation (CDT), The Paul Merage School of Business
IT and innovation, Strategic sourcing of IT-enabled services, Value of IT investments, Economics of information systems
Mimi Ito
Professor in Residence, Bren School of Information and Computer Science
Anthropology of technology use, Children and youth's changing relationships to media and communications
Ramesh Jain
Professor, Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Computer vision, Multimedia information retrieval, Experiential environment
Alfred Kobsa
Professor, Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Human-computer interaction, Personalization, privacy, Information visualization, Expert findersPadhraic Smyth
Gloria Mark
Professor, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Computer-supported cooperative work, Virtual collaboration, Groupware design and collaborative virtual environments
Bill Maurer
Dean and Professor, School of Social Sciences, Professor, School of Law, Director, Institute for Money, Technology, and Financial Inclusion School of Social Sciences
Anthropology of law, Globalization, Anthropology of money and finance, Gender and kinship
Melissa Mazmanian
Associate Professor, Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Communication technologies within organizational contexts, Individual experience and social dynamics with wireless modes of communication
Bonnie Nardi
Professor, Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
User interface design, Collaborative work, Computer-mediated communication, Theoretical approaches to technology design and evaluation
Tingting Nian
Assistant Professor, The Paul Merage School of Business
Social media, Online communities, Economics of digital goods
Gary M. Olson
Professor Emeritus, Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Interactive & collaborative technology; human-computer interaction; computer supported cooperative work
Judith Olson
Professor Emeritus, Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Interactive & collaborative technology; human-computer interaction; computer supported cooperative work
Connie Pechmann
Professor of Marketing, The Paul Merage School of Business
Consumer behavior; advertising strategy and regulation; retailing, micromarketing and geographic information systems
Jui Ramaprasad
Associate Professor of Information Systems, Desautels Faculty of Management
Impact and drivers of user-generated content; online communities; social networks; diffusion of information; digital media
Padhraic Smyth
Professor, Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
Data mining, Applied statistics, Machine learning and information theory
John Turner
Associate Professor, The Paul Merage School of Business
Media management, Applied optimization, Revenue management, Problems at the interface of operations and marketing
Alladi Venkatesh
Professor, The Paul Merage School of Business
Community-based technologies (Home informatics and networking, Youth and new media, Consumers and electronic environments), Cross-cultural research
Mingdi Xin
Assistant Professor, The Paul Merage School of Business
Software-as-a-Service adoption, IT sourcing strategies, Software and service pricing, IT service contracts
Dr. Nicholas Vitalari
Senior Research Fellow
Managing Director, Elasticity Labs
Hadyn Shaughnessy
Research Fellow
Author, Specialist in Innovation
Economics of the Digital World
Melissa Mazmanian & Ingrid Erickson (2016) “Markets of availability and commodification of time in 21st century work: Inducing social forces from situated data.” In K. Elsbach and B. Bechky (Eds.), Qualitative Organizational Research: Best Papers from the Davis Conference, 3.
Vidyanand Choudhary, Imran Currim, Sanjeev Dewan, Ivan Jeliazkov, Ofer Mintz, John Turner (2017) "Evaluation Set Size and Purchase: Evidence from a Product Search Engine." Journal of Interactive Marketing, 37: 16-31
Paul M. Leonardi, Diane E. Bailey, Eduardo Henrique Diniz, Dan Sholler, Bonnie A. Nardi (2016) "Multiplex Appropriation in Complex Systems Implementation: The Case of Brazil's Correspondent Banking System," MIS Quarterly, 40(2): 461-473.
Bill Maurer (2016) "It tells you something about the fact that money right now is being profoundly ungrounded.", July 27.
Vijay Gurbaxani, Young Bong Chang, Kiron Ravindran (2016) “Information Technology Outsourcing: Asset Transfer and the Role of Contract” MIS Quarterly: 1-40. (forthcoming).
Frank MacCrory, Vidyanand Choudhary, Alain Pinsonneault (2016) “Research Note—Designing Promotion Ladders to Mitigate Turnover of IT Professionals,” Information Systems Research, 27(3):648-660.
Melissa Mazmanian & Ingrid Erickson (2014) “The Product of Availability: Understanding the Economic Underpinnings of Constant Connectivity.” To appear in Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014), ACM Press. 763-772.
Young Bong Chan & Vijay Gurbaxani (2012) “An Empirical Analysis of Technical Efficiency: The Role of IT Intensity and Competition.” Information Systems Research, 24(3): 561-578.
Young Bong Chang & Vijay Gurbaxani (2011) "The Impact of IT-Related Spillovers on Long-Run Productivity: An Empirical Analysis." Information Systems Research, 23(3) Part 2: 868-886.
Ramnath K. Chellappa & Shivendu Shivendu (2010) "Mechanism Design For "Free" but "No Free Disposal" Services: The Economics of Personalization Under Privacy Concerns." Management Science, 56(10): 1766-1780.
Digital Services Delivery
Kathleen Pine & Melissa Mazmanian (2016) “Artful and contorted coordinating: The ramifications of imposing formal logics of task jurisdiction on situated practice,” Academy of Management Journal: 2-55. (published online before print).
Torkil Clemmensen, Bonnie Nardi, Victor Kaptelinin (2016) "Making HCI Theory Work: An Analysis of the Use of Activity Theory in HCI Research." Journal of Behavior and Information Technology, 35(8): 608-627.
Timothy J. Gilbride, Imran S. Currim, Ofer Mintz, S. Siddarth (2016) “A Model for Inferring Market Preferences from Online Retail Product Information Matrices” Journal of Retailing: 1-16.
Vidyanand Choudhary & Zhe (James) Zhang (2015) “Research Note—Patching the Cloud: The Impact of SaaS on Patching Strategy and the Timing of Software Release,” Information Systems Research, 26(4): 845-858.
Taryn L. Stanko & Christine M. Beckman (2015) “Watching You Watching Me: Boundary Control and Capturing Attention in the Context of Ubiquitous Technology Use.” Academy of Management Journal, 58(3): 712-738.
Thomas P. Moliterno, Nikolaus Beck, Christine M Beckman, Mark Meyer (2014) “Knowing Your Place: Social- Performance Feedback in Good Times and Bad Times.” Organization Science, 25(6):1984-1702.
Bart P. Knijnenburg & Alfred Kobsa (2013) “Making Decisions about Privacy: Information Disclosure in Context-Aware Recommender Systems." ACM Transactions on Intelligent Interactive Systems, 3(3) Article 20. 2-33.
Ofer Mintz, Imran S. Currim, Ivan Jeliazkov (2013) “Information Processing Pattern and Propensity to Buy: An Investigation of Online Point-of-Purchase Behavior.” Marketing Science, 32(5): 716-732.
Alfred Kobsa, Rishab Nithyanand, Gene Tsudik, Ersin Uzun (2013) “Can Jannie Verify? Usability of Display-Equipped RFID Tags for Security Purposes.” Journal of Computer Security, 21(3): 347-370.
Vidyanand Choudhary & Joseph Vithayathil (2014) "Impact of Cloud Computing: Should the IT Department be Organized as a Cost-Center or a Profit-Center?" Journal of Management Information Systems. 30(2): 67-100.
Yang Wang & Alfred Kobsa (2013) “A PLA-Based Privacy-Enhancing User Modeling Framework and its Evaluation.” User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of Personalization Research, 23(1): 41-82.
Melissa Mazmanian, Wanda J. Orlikowski, JoAnne Yates (2013) “The autonomy Paradox: The Implications of Mobile Email Devices for Knowledge Professionals.” Organization Science, 24(5): 1337-1357.
Young Bong Chang & Vijay Gurbaxani (2012) "Information Technology Outsourcing, Knowledge Transfer, and Firm Productivity: An Empirical Analysis." MIS Quarterly, 36(4):1043-1063.
David Fitoussi & Vijay Gurbaxani (2012) "IT Outsourcing Contracts and Performance Measurement." Information Systems Research, 23(1):129-143.
Alfred Kobsa, Sameer Patil, Bertolt Meyer (2012) “Privacy in Instant Messaging: An Impression Management Model.” Behavior and Information Technology, 31(4): 355-370.
Digital Business Models
Ingrid Erickson & Melissa Mazmanian (2016) “Bending Time to a New End: Investigating the Idea of Temporal Entrepreneurship” In J. Wajcman and N. Dodd (Eds.), The Sociology of Speed: Digital, Organizational and Social Temporalities, Oxford University Press.
Melissa Mazmanian, Christine Beckman, Ellie Harmon (2016) “Ethnography across the work boundary: Benefits and Considerations for Organizational Studies.” In K. Elsbach, & R. Kramer (Eds.), Handbook of Innovative Qualitative ResearchMethods: Pathways to Cool Ideas and Interesting Papers, Taylor and Francis Group: Organization and Management Series.
Sanjeev Dewan & Jui Ramaprasad (2014) “Social Media, Traditional Media, and Music Sales.” MIS Quarterly, 38(1): 101-121.
Ofer Mintz & Imran S. Currim (2013) “What Drives Managerial Use of Marketing and Financial Metrics and Does Metric Use Affect Performance of Marketing-Mix Activities?” Journal of Marketing, 77(2):17-40.
John Turner, Ben Peterson, Soo-Haeng Cho, Sunder Kekre, Alan Scheller-Wolf (2012) "A Large US Retailer Selects Transportation Carriers Under Diesel Price Uncertainty." Interface, 42(4): 365-379.
Sanjeev Dewan & Jui Ramaprasad (2012) "Research Note -- Music Blogging, Online Sampling, and the Long Tail." Information Systems Research, 23(3) Part 2: 1056-1067.
John Turner (2010) "The Planning of Guaranteed Targeted Display Advertising." Operations Research, 60(1): 18-33.
Big Data and Analytics
Singh,Vivek and Ramesh Jain. (2016). Situation Recognition Using EventShop. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Dipti Borkar, Ravi Mayuram, Gerald Sangudi, Michael Carey "Have Your Data and Query It Too: From Key-Value Caching to Big Data Management" invited industrial paper, Proc. of the ACM SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, San Francisco, CA, June 2016.
“Breaking BAD: A Data Serving Vision for Big Active Data” (with S. Jacobs and V. Tsotras), Proc. of the 10th ACM Int’l. Conf. on Distributed and Event-Based Systems, Irvine, CA, June 2016.
Moshe Lichman & Padhraic Smyth (2014) “Modeling human location data with mixtures of kernel densities.” Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGKDD Conference (KDD 2014), 35-44.
Nicholas Navaroli, Christopher DuBois, Padhraic Smyth(2013) "Modeling individual email patterns over time with latent variable models." Machine Learning, 92(2-3): 431-455.
Ralf Krestel & Padhraic Smyth (2013) “Recommending Patents based on Latent Topics." Proceedings of the 7th ACM Recommender system Conference, 395-398.
Vinayak R. Borkar, Michael J. Carey and Chen Li (2012) "Big Data Platforms: What's Next?" XRDS, 19(1): 44-49.
AsterixDB Big Data Management System (BDMS).
Emerging Digital Trends
Stephanie Dellande, Mary C. Gilly, John L. Graham (2016) “Managing consumer debt: Culture, compliance, and completion. Journal of Business Research, 69(7): 2594-2602.
Bonnie Nardi, Donald Patterson, and Bill Tomlinson, eds. (2016). Special issue of Interactions. Sustainability Education. New York: ACM Press.
Bonnie Nardi (2016). "Designing for the Future—But Which One?" Interactions. New York: ACM Press.
Cynthia M. Lakon, Cornelia Pechmann, Cheng Wang, Li Pan, Kevin Delucchi, Judith J. Prochaska (2016). Mapping Engagement in Twitter-Based Support Networks for Adult Smoking Cessation. American Journal of Public Health, 106(8), 1374-1380.
Cornelia Pechmann, Kevin Delucchi, Cynthia Lakon, Judith Prochaska (2016). Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluation of Tweet2Quit: A Social Network Quit-smoking Intervention. Tobacco Control, published online, 1-6.
Pechmann, C., Pan, L., Delucchi, K., Lakon, C. M., Prochaska, J. J. (2015). Development of a Twitter-based Intervention for Smoking Cessation that Encourages High-quality Social Media Interactions via Automessage. Journal of Medical InternetResearch, 17(2).
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Assistant Director, Programming and Content
Leslie Fell