PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
MBA, Northwestern University
MA, Fuller Seminary
BA, Southern California College
Research Interest
Workplace motivation, learning and creativity
Managerial interpersonal skills
Leadership effectiveness
Dr. Gerard Beenen is a Professor of Management at the College of Business & Economics, California State University, Fullerton where he teaches MBA courses on team leadership, organizational change and negotiation, and previously served as Associate Dean and Chair of the Department of Management. He also teaches MBA courses at Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business. His research focuses on workplace motivation and learning, creativity, and leadership, and has been funded by the Graduate Management Admissions Council and the National Science Foundation. He has published in Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE), Human Resource Management, the Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, and Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes. Before his academic career, he was CEO of a cancer care center, co-founder of a technology company, and a management consultant with both Bain & Company and Ernst & Young. He recently served as a scientific adviser to a consulting firm focused on organizational change, and on a governance board at Hoag Memorial Hospital, Presbyterian. A recent past Chair of the Management Education & Development Division of the Academy of Management, he currently is Associate Editor for the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, and is on the editorial board of AMLE.
Dr. Beenen received a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior & Theory from the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University, an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, and an MA from Fuller Seminary.
Beenen, G., Srikant, C. In-press. Reflections on purposeful entrepreneurship with Mike Evans- Founder of GrubHub. Business Horizons.
Beenen, G., Pichler, S. & Zhang, J. 2024. From me to we: Social identity and task autonomy predict personal learning in student teams. Journal of Education for Business, 99(3), 145-154.
Beenen, G., Fiori, M., Pichler, S. & Riggio, R. 2023. Editorial: Interpersonal skills: Individual, social, and technological implications Frontiers in Psychology, 14,
Zhang, Y., Monod, E., Beenen, G., Jiang, Y., & Willis, C. 2023. Socio-economic management theory related to BPM: A case study of dysfunctions in digital transformation strategy. Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle, 37,1, 25-40.
Beenen, G., Todorova, G., Riggio, R. & Pichler, S. 2022. Reconceptualizing multilevel leader-follower shared outcomes. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 29,3, 289-305
Beenen, G., Pichler, S., Livingston, B. & Riggio, R. 2021. The good manager: Development and validation of the managerial interpersonal skills (MIPS) scale. Frontiers in Psychology, 12,
Chong, J., Beenen, G., Gagné, M., & Dunlop, P. 2021. Are you satisfying your newcomers’ needs? A self-determined approach to newcomer socialization. Journal of Business and Psychology, 36,2, 315-331.
Pichler, S., Beenen, G., & Wood, S. 2020. Feedback frequency and appraisal reactions: A meta-analytic test of moderators. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31,17, 2238-2263.
Mitra, S., & Beenen, G. 2019. A comparative study of learning styles and motivational factors in traditional and online sections of a business course. INFORMS Transactions on Education, 20,1, 1-15.
Beenen, G. & Arbaugh, B. 2019. Flipping class: A comparative study of conventional and flipped instruction for undergraduate Organizational Behavior. International Journal of Management Education, 17,3, 1-10.
Beenen, G., Pichler, S., & Davoudpour, S. 2018. Interpersonal skills in MBA admissions: How are they conceptualized and assessed? Journal of Management Education, 42,1, 34-54.
Beenen, G. 2017. Life-long learning for leaders. Industrial Management, 59,6, 18-21.
Beenen, G., Pichler, S., & Levy, P. 2017. Self-determined feedback seeking: The role of perceived supervisor autonomy support. Human Resource Management, 56,4, 555-569.
Beenen, G. 2016. Navigating change: From resistance to resilience. Industrial Management, 58, 17-21.
Beenen, G., & Pichler, S. 2016. A discussion forum on managerial interpersonal skills. Journal of Management Development, 35,5, 706-716.
Barbuto, J.E., Beenen, G., & Tran, H. 2015. The role of core self-evaluation, ethnocentrism and cultural intelligence in study abroad success. International Journal of Management Education, 13, 268-277.
Beenen, G. 2015. Ready for your interns? Industrial Management, 57, 10-14.
Miron-Spektor, E., & Beenen, G. 2015. Motivating creativity: The effects of sequential and simultaneous learning and performance achievement goals on product novelty and usefulness. Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, 127, 53-65.
Beenen, G., & Pichler, S. 2014. Do you really want to work here? Testing a model of job pursuit for MBA interns. Human Resource Management, 53, 661-682.
Pichler, S., and Beenen, G. 2014. Toward the Development of a Model and a Measure of Managerial Interpersonal Skills. Riggio, R., and Tan, S. (Eds.). Understanding and Assessing Soft Leadership Skills. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Beenen, G. 2014. The effects of goal orientations and supervisor concerns on MBA intern learning and performance. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 13, 88-101.
Beenen, G., & Rousseau, D.M. 2010. Promoting learning and job acceptance in MBA internships. Human Resource Management, 49, 3-22
Beenen, G., & Pinto, J. 2009. Resisting an epidemic of organizational-level corruption: An interview with Sherron Watkins. Academy of Management Learning & Education. 8, 275-289.
Goodman, P.S., & Beenen, G. 2008. Organizational learning contracts and management education. Academy of Management Learning & Education. 7, 521-534.
Ling, K., Beenen, G., Kraut, R., Resnick, P. et al., 2005. Using social psychology to motivate contributions to online communities. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication. 10(4), article 10.
Co-Principle Investigator (with Shaun Pichler and Lori Muse), “Developing a measure of managerial interpersonal skills”, Graduate Management Admissions Council, Management Education Research Institute 2010 Award ($100,000).