Kenneth L. Kraemer is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Paul Merage School of Business, Associate Director of the Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations (CRITO), and Co-Director of the Personal Computing Industry Center (PCIC) at UC Irvine. He has conducted research on the management of computing in organizations for more than 40 years. He is currently studying the globalization of knowledge work and innovation, the offshoring of new product development, the dynamics of computing in organizations, and the business value of IT and national policies for IT production and use.
Professor Kraemer is the author or co-author of 15 books, including recently published titles such as Global E-Commerce: Impacts of National Environment and Policy (Cambridge University Press, 2006), and Asia's Computer Challenge: Threat of Opportunity for the U.S. and the World? (Oxford University Press, 1998).
He has written more than 165 articles, many on the computer industry and the Asia-Pacific region, that have been published in journals such as Communications of the ACM, MIS Quarterly, Management Science, Information Systems Research, The Information Society, Public Administration Review, Telecommunications Policy, and Policy Analysis.
Professor Kraemer has also been a consultant on IT policy to major corporations, the federal government, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the governments of Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, and China. He was the Shaw Professor in Information Systems at the National University of Singapore from 1990-1991.
American Institute of Certified Planners, AICP, 1964-1984
American Planning Association, 1964-1984A
American Society for Public Administration, 1965-
Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, 1970-
Association for Computing Machinery, AFIPS, 1975-
International Federation of Information Processing Societies, 1975-
Society for Information Management, 1977-
Association for Information Systems, 1994-
Loula D. Lasker Fellowship, 1962-64
NDEA Fellowship, 1962-65
John M. Pfiffner Master’s Thesis Award, 1965
Member of Pi Sigma Alpha, Tau Beta Pi, and Phi Kappa Phi honor societies
Fulbright Travel Grant, 1972, 1977, 1980
Faculty University Service Award, UCI, 1978
Orange County Supervisors Public Service Commendation, 1980
Orange County Chapter, ASPA, Academic Excellence Award, 1985
Listed in American Men and Women in Science, Who’s Who in Technology Today, Who’s Who in the West, Men and Women of Achievement
Shaw Chair in Management Information Systems, National University of Singapore, 1990-91
Selected to attend 1996 Japan Study Tour by American Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Keizai Koho Center, 1996
Taco Bell Professor of IT for Management, Graduate School of Management, 1999
ICIS Best paper award, 2002
IBM Research Fellowship, 2002
Elected AIS ""Fellow,"" 2003
Chairman of The Paul Merage School of Business Faculty, 1969-70
Chairman of The Paul Merage School of Business Facilities Committee, 1969-72
UCI Ad hoc review and promotion committees of the Senate Budget Committee and the Academic Personnel Committee, 1970-74, 1976
The Paul Merage School of Business Faculty Recruitment Committee, 1970-73, 1975-76, 1977-83
The Paul Merage School of Business Dean Selection Committee, 1971
Joint Committee with ICS on Cooperative Program in Information Systems, 1974-77
PPRO Director, 1974-1992
University-wide Committee on Public Service, 1975-77
UCI Coordinator for the State Data Program, 1975-77
UCI Senate Committee on Business and Finance, 1975-78
UCI Housing Advisory Committee, 1975, 1982-84
PPRO Committee on Policy Studies at UCI, 1976
The Paul Merage School of Business Executive Programs Committee, 1977-79
The Paul Merage School of Business Faculty Research and Travel Committee, 1979-80
Chairman of the school's Public Policy and Management Group, 1980-81
Chairman of The Paul Merage School of Business Master’s Program Committee, 1980-81, 1989-90
UCI Senate Committee on Research, 1981-82
Chairman The Paul Merage School of Business Computer Committee, 1983-84
UCI Committee on Biotechnology, 1984
UC Committee on Telecommunications Research, 1984-85
UCI/ICHA Architectural Review Board, 1985-86
UCI Inclusion Area Policy Committee, 1985-87
UCI Chief Executive Roundtable, 1986-89
Committee on Academic Personnel (CAP), Member 1987-90
Committee on Academic Personnel (CAP), Chair 1988-89
UC Pacific Rim Research Program Executive Committee, 1989-1992
The Paul Merage School of Business Executive Committee, 1990-92, 1994-95
The Paul Merage School of Business Faculty Chair, 1994-95
The Paul Merage School of Business Strategic Planning Committee, 1994-95
UCI Academic Senate Executive Committee, 1994-95
The Paul Merage School of Business IT Focus Planning Committee, 1995-97
The Paul Merage School of Business Associate Dean for Research, 1996-1998
UCI Committee on Research, 1998-1999
University Committee on Research Policy, 1998-1999
GSM Information Resources Committee, 2002 -
GSM Dean Search Committee, 2002, 2003
GSM Strategic Planning Committee, 2003
Paul Merage Curriculum Innovation Committee, 2006-
Vice Chancellor for Research, Research Advisory Committee, 2006-
Calit2 Advisory Committee, 2005
Privacy and Confidentiality Control Board, Orange County, 1973-75
Blue Ribbon Committee on Data Processing for the Board of Supervisors, Orange County, 1973, 1979, 1980
Board of Directors, the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, 1976-79
AAAS Panel on Priority Problems in State and Local Government: Management, Finance and Personnel, 1979-80
Co-Chairman, Seminar on “Policy Issues in the Management of Urban Information Systems,” Aalborg, Denmark, September 28 - October 1, 1980
Executive Committee, Management Science Section, American Society for Public Administration, 1980-82
American Coordinator, Seminar on “Managing Urban Systems,” sponsored by the Center for Advanced Study, University of Belgrade, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, August 15-30, 1980; also for 1982 Seminar
American Coordinator, U.S.-Japan Cooperative Science Seminars on “Computer Development, Use and Impact,” East-West Center, Honolulu, December 18-22, 1980; March 24-26, 1982; July 5-7, 1983; and Tokyo, July 8-10, 1985
Planning Committee, The Conference on Information Systems, 1981-
Executive Committee, The Conference on Information Systems, 1983-84
Co-Chairman, Policy Forum on “Wired Cities,” Washington Program in Communication Policy Studies, Annenberg School of Communication, July 12-13, 1984
Co-Chairman, Program Committee, The Conference on Information Systems, Tucson, Arizona, December 1984
Chairman, NASPAA Committee on Computers in Public Management Education, 1984-85
Interviewed expert on two half-hour segments dealing with “Computing, Organizations and Individuals,” for the PBS television series “The New Literacy: An Introduction to Computers,” produced by the Corporation for Community College Television. First aired in 1984 and continuing
NASPAA Task Force on the Status of Research in Public Administration, 1986-87
Special Advisor, International Concept Design Competition for an Advanced Information City, Japan Association for Planning Administration, Kawasaki City, Japan, April 24-25, 1987
California Telecommunications Advisory Board, 1987-1992
Committee on Infrastructure Innovation, National Academy of Sciences, 1987
Citizens’ Advisory Committee on International Affairs, City of Irvine, 1989
Sister City Task Force Committee, City of Irvine, 1989
U.S. Government Accounting Office, Executive Council on Information Technology, 1990-
National Science Foundation, Civil Infrastructure Systems Review Panel, 1995
National Science Foundation, Digital Libraries Initiative Review Panel, 1996
National Science Foundation, ITO, International Programs, and Social Informatics Workshop Panels, 1997
National Research Council, Social and Economic Impacts of IT Workshop Panel, 1997-98
National Science Foundation, Planning Committee, Workshop on Computers and Social Systems, 1998-99
NSF, Committee of Visitors for review of International Program, 2005
NSF, Chair of workshop on Social Informatics, 2005
NAE, Task force on ""Engineering Offshoring,"" 2006
NAS, Task force on ""Globalization of Innovation,"" 2006-
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Industry Studies Committee, 2005, 2006
Associate Editors Board, The Bureaucrat, 1975
Editorial Board, Journal of Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 1977-1994
Editorial Board, International Journal of Policy Analysis & Information Systems, 1980-82