PhD in Operations Research,Georgia Institute of Technology
BS in Mathematics, Zhejiang University
Research Interest
Applications of optimization and game theory to collaboration and coordination activities in service operations and supply chains.
Sustainable/Environmental operations, product take-back policies and economics
Network economics, resource pricing and allocation
Luyi Gui is an Associate Professor in Operations and Decision Technologies in the Paul Merage School of Business at UC Irvine. She obtained a PhD in Operations Research at Georgia Tech in 2013. Her research focuses on studying the implementation of environmental policies and sustainable operations in developing economies. She is also broadly interested in optimization, network models and game theory. Her work has been published in journals such as Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management and Production and Operations Management. She received the 2019 Paul Kleindorfer award in sustainability. Her work was acknowledged by the MSOM responsible research in OM award (2019), the early-career best paper award of the INFORMS Section on Environment, Natural Resources and Energy (2019) and the best paper competition of the INFORMS Section on Public Programs, Services and Needs (2012). She was the President of the Sustainable Operations College at POMS (2019-2020). She has served as the co-chair of the 2020 MSOM sustainable operations SIG conference, the sustainability cluster at the 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting and the closed-loop supply chain track at the 2017 POMS Annual Meeting. She is an associate director of the Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization center at UCI.
Journal Publications
Long, X., Gui, L. (2023), Waste Not Want Not? The Environmental Implications of Quick Response and Upcycling. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Forthcoming.
Lin, X., Gui, L., Lu, Y. (2023), Managing Sales via Livestream Commerce: Implications of Price Negotiation and Consumer Price Search. Production and Operations Management. Forthcoming.
Bai, J., Hu, S., Gui, L., So, K.C., Ma, Z. (2021) Optimal Subsidy Schemes and Budget Allocations for Government Trade-in Programs. Production and Operations Management, 30(8), 2689-2706.
Rahmani, M., Gui, L., Atasu, A. (2021), The Implications of Recycling Technology Choice on Extended Producer Responsibility. Production and Operations Management, 30(2), 522-542.
Gui, L. (2020), Recycling Infrastructure Development under Extended Producer Responsibility in Developing Economies. Production and Operations Management, 29(8), 1858-1877.
Gui, L., Tang, C.S., Yin, S. (2019), Improving Micro-Retailer and Consumer Welfare in Developing Economies: Replenishment Strategies and Market Entries. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 21(1), 231-250.
Gui, L., Atasu, A., Ergun, Ö. and Toktay, L. B. (2018), Design Incentives under Collective Extended Producer Responsibility: A Network Perspective. Management Science, 64(11), 5083-5104.
Gui, L., Atasu, A., Ergun, Ö. and Toktay, L. B. (2016), Efficient Implementation of Collective Extended Producer Responsibility Legislation. Management Science, 62(4), 1098-1123.
Ergun, Ö., Gui, L., Heier Stamm, J. L., Keskinocak, P. and Swann, J. (2014), Improving Humanitarian Operations through Technology-Enabled Collaboration. Production and Operations Management, 23, 1002–1014.
Gui, L., Atasu, A., Ergun, Ö. and Toktay, L. B. (2013), Implementing Extended Producer Responsibility Legislation. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 17: 262–276.
Finalist, MSOM Responsible Research in OM award. 2019
Honorable Mention, the Early-career Best Paper Award, INFORMS Section on Environment, Natural Resources and Energy. 2019
Paul Kleindorfer Award in Sustainability. POMS. 2019
Outstanding Service as a Reviewer Award for the POM Journal. 2019
M&SOM Meritorious Service Award. 2021, 2018
Junior Faculty Research Award, Paul Merage School of Business. UC Irvine. 2018
Council on Research, Computing & Library Resources (CORCLR) Award, UC Irvine. 2020, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015.
UCI ADVANCE Career Development Award, UCI ADVANCE Program. 2016
Blanchard Scholarship Award in Sustainability (in honor of Ray Anderson), Georgia Chamber of Commerce/Rotary Club. 2012.
Honorable Mention, the Best Paper Award, INFORMS Section on Public Programs, Services and Needs. 2012