Professor (Joint Appointment)
Johnson Chair for Civic Governance and Public Management; Professor of Planning, Policy, and Design, Management, Sociology, and Political Science, School of Social Ecology
Professor (Joint Appointment)
Johnson Chair for Civic Governance and Public Management; Professor of Planning, Policy, and Design, Management, Sociology, and Political Science, School of Social Ecology
Martha S. Feldman (Stanford University PhD, 1983) is the Johnson Chair for Civic Governance and Public Management at the University of California, Irvine. Her current research on organizational routines explores the role of performance and agency in creating, maintaining and altering these fundamental organizational phenomena. She is a Senior Editor for Organization Science and serves on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, International Public Management Journal,Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies and Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management. She received Administrative Science Quarterly’s 2009 award for Scholarly Contribution and the 2011 Academy of Management Practice Scholarship Award. In 2014, she was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Economics from the University of St. Gallen School of Management and was named by Thomson Reuters as one of the approximately 3000 Highly Cited Researchers worldwide, a distinction earned by ranking among the top 1% most cited for field and year indexed in the Web of Science during the period 2002-2012. In 2015 she was named the Academy of Management Distinguished Scholar for the Organization and Management Theory Division and was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Management. In 2016, she received the Keith G. Provan Award for Outstanding Contribution to Empirical Theory from the Public and Nonprofit Division of the Academy of Management.
Routine dynamics:
Dynamics of organizational routines: A generative model. 2012. Pentland, Brian, Martha S. Feldman, Markus Becker and Peng Lui. Journal of Management Studies. 49(8):1484-1508
Toward a theory of coordinating: Creating coordinating mechanisms in practice. 2012. Paula A. Jarzabkowski, Jane K. Lê and Martha S. Feldman. Organization Science; 23(4) 907-927.
Practicing Theory and Theorizing Practice. 2011.. Martha S. Feldman and Wanda J. Orlikowski. Organization Science, Special Issue Perspectives on Organization Science: The First 20 Years. [download]
Routines as a source of change in organizational schemata: The role of trial-and-error learning. 2011. Claus Rerup and Martha S. Feldman. Academy of Management Journal. [download]
Designing routines: On the folly of designing artifacts, while hoping for patterns of action. 2008. Brian T. Pentland and Martha S. Feldman. Information and Organization 18 (2008) 235–250. [download]
Narrative networks: Patterns of technology and organization. 2007. Brian T. Pentland and Martha S. Feldman. Organization Science, 18(5): 781-795. [download]
Organizational routines as a unit of analysis. 2005. Brian T. Pentland and Martha S. Feldman. Industrial and Corporate Change, 14(5): 793-815. [download]
Resources in emerging structures and processes of change. 2004. Martha S. Feldman. Organization Science, 15(3): 295-309. [download]
Reconceptualizing organizational routines as a source of flexibility and change. 2003. Martha S. Feldman and Brian T. Pentland. Administrative Science Quarterly, 48: 94-118. Reprinted in: B. Nooteboom (ed.) Knowledge and learning in the firm. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006. [download]
Received 2009 Administrative Science Quarterly award for scholarly contribution
A performative perspective on stability and change in organizational routines. 2003. Martha S. Feldman. Industrial and Corporate Change, 12(4): 727-752. [download]
Organizational routines as sources of connections and understandings. 2002. Martha S. Feldman and Anat Rafaeli. Journal of Management Studies,39(3): 309-332. [download]
Organizational routines as a source of continuous change. 2000. Martha S. Feldman. Organization Science, 11(6): 611-629. Reprinted in Nathalie Lazaric and Edward Lorenz (eds.) Knowledge, Learning and Routines (Critical Studies in Economic Institutions). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003. [download]
Inclusive management:
Boundaries as Junctures: Collaborative Boundary Work for Building Efficient Resilience. 2014. Kathryn S. Quick and Martha S. Feldman. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 24(3): 651-671.
Distinguishing participation and inclusion. 2011. Kathryn S. Quick and Martha S. Feldman. Journal of Planning Education and Research 31(3): 271-290.
Received ACSP’s 2012 Chester Rapkin Best Paper Award for the combined volumes 30 and 31 of JPER.
Generating resources and energizing frameworks through inclusive public management. 2009. Martha S. Feldman and Kathryn S. Quick. International Public Management Journal, Vol. 12, No. 9:137-171. [download]
The role of the public manager in inclusion. 2007. Martha S. Feldman and Anne M. Khademian. Governance, 20(2): 305-324. [download]
Ways of knowing and inclusive management practices. 2006. Martha S. Feldman, Anne M. Khademian, Helen Ingram, Anne S. Schneider. Public Administration Review, 66(6) (Special Issue on Collaborative Public Management): 89-99. [download]
To manage is to govern. 2002. Martha S. Feldman and Anne M. Khademian. Public Administration Review,62(5): 541-555. [download]
Principles for public management practice: From dichotomies to interdependence. 2001. Martha S. Feldman and Anne M. Khademian. Governance,14(3): 339-362. Reprinted in: R. Hodges (ed.) Governance and the public sector. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005. [download]
Managing for inclusion: Balancing control and participation. 2000. Martha S. Feldman and Anne M. Khademian. International Journal of Public Management, 3(2): 149-168. [download]
Qualitative methods:
Making doubt generative: Rethinking the role of doubt in the research process. 2008. Karen Locke, Karen Golden-Biddle and Martha S. Feldman. Organization Science. Vol. 19, No. 6: pp. 907–918. [download]
Making sense of stories: A rhetorical approach to narrative analysis. 2004. Martha S. Feldman, Kaj Sköldberg, Ruth Nicole Brown and Debra Horner. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 14(2): 147-170. Reprinted in the 20th Anniversary Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory Virtual Reader. [download]
Stories and the rhetoric of contrariety: Subtexts of organizing (change). 2002. Martha S. Feldman and Kaj Skoldberg. Culture and Organization, 8(4): 275-292. [download]