PhD, University of Chicago
MBA, University of Chicago
BA, College of the City of New York
Research Interest
Economics of healthcare
Reasons for employees switching healthcare plans
Measuring health plan performance by examining breast cancer outcomes by stage at detection, treatment and survival
Paul Feldstein, the Robert Gumbiner Chair in Health Care Management, is a nationally recognized authority on the economics of healthcare.
He has written six books and more than 60 articles on health care. His book, Health Care Economics, is in its sixth edition and is one of the most widely used texts on health economics. He is also the author of Health Policy Issues: An Economic Perspective on Health Reform, and The Politics of Health Legislation: An Economic Perspective.
Before coming to The Merage School, Professor Feldstein was at the University of Michigan and previously was Director of the Division of Research at the American Hospital Association. During several leaves from the University, Professor Feldstein worked at the Office of Management and Budget, Social Security Administration and the World Health Organization. He has been a consultant to many government and private health agencies, and been an expert witness on health anti-trust issues.
Professor Feldstein has served on the board of Sutter Health, a large not-for-profit health care organization, and is on the board of directors for Odyssey Healthcare and Province Healthcare.
Health Care Economics, 7th edition, Delmar Publishers Inc., Albany, New York, 541 pp., 2011.
The Politics of Health Legislation: An Economic Perspective, 3rd edition, Health Administration Press, Chicago, Illinois, 2006.
Health Policy Issues: An Economic Perspective on Health Reform, 5th edition, Health Administration Press, Chicago, Illinois, 2011.
Professor Feldstein has written six books and over 60 articles on health care. His book, Health Care Economics, 6th edition, 2005, is one of the most widely used texts on health economics. Health Policy Issues: An Economic Perspective on Health Reform, 4th edition was published 2007. His book, The Politics of Health Legislation: An Economic Perspective, third edition 2006, uses economic analysis to explain the outcome of health legislation in terms of the interest groups affected.
RESEARCH GRANTS (Principal Investigator)
“Adverse Selection Against Academic Medical Centers in Medicaid Managed Care: Evidence from Orange County’s CalOptima Program” (with Thomas Buchmueller) California Health Care Foundation (2 years) 2000-2002
“Health Care Management Distinguished Speaker Series” Irvine Health Foundation (2 years) 2000-2002
“Health Care Delivery Systems and Cancer Outcomes” (with Anna Lee-Feldstein and Thomas Buchmueller) National Cancer Institute (3 years) 1996-1999
“Portfolio of State Issues – Health Care Conference 1997” Pfizer, Inc. 6 months 1/97-5/97
“An Empirical Investigation of Employee Health Plan Choice and Switching Behavior Under Managed Competition” (with Thomas Buchmueller) Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2 years) 1996 - 1998
“Early Childhood Immunization Incentive Payment Study” (with Thomas Buchmueller) Irvine Health Foundation (1 year) 1995 - 1996
"The Rise in Employer Health Care Costs" (with Thomas Wickizer) (4 years) 1990 - 1994 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
"The Effect of Different Private Cost Containment Approaches" (3 years) 1985 - 1987 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
"A Model to Forecast Demand for The University of Michigan Hospital" University of Michigan Hospital (1 year) 1985 - 1986
"The Effect of Outpatient Surgery on Hospital Inpatient Utilization" (1 year) 1984 Hospital Corporation of America
"Employee Enrollment Characteristics and Premiums Between (1 l/2 years) 1983 - 1984 Blue Cross - Blue Shield and HMOs" (with Roy Penchansky) General Motors and the UAW
"An Economic Analysis of Health Legislation" (1 year) 1982- 1983 National Center for Health Services
"The Politics and Economics of School Health Services" (1 year) 1979 - 1980 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
"Health Manpower Policy Studies" (7 years) 1973 - 1979 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
"An Econometric Model of the Medical Care Sector" (4 years) 1972 - 1975 National Center for Health Services Research
"An Economic Research Program in Health" (3 years) 1966 - 1969 U.S. Public Health Service
"The Relationship of Cost to Hospital Size" (1 year) 1962 - 1963 U.S. Public Health Service
An Empirical Investigation of the Marginal Cost of Hospital Services, Graduate Program in Hospital Administration, University of Chicago, IL, 77 pp., 1961.
Financing Dental Care: An Economic Analysis, D.C. Heath and Co., Lexington, MA, 259 pp., 1973.
Health Associations and the Demand for Legislation: The Political Economy of Health, Ballinger Publishing Co., Cambridge, MA, 255 pp., 1977.
Responsible National Health Insurance, (with Mark V. Pauly, Patricia Danzon, and John Hoff), American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C., 86 pp., May 1992.
Analyse Economique De la sante, (Health Care Economics French Edition), Editions Seillans, Paris France, 552 pp., 1992.
Health Care Economics, Chinese edition, Delmar Publishers, Inc., Albany, New York, 1999.
Health Care Economics, 6th edition, Delmar Publishers Inc., Albany, New York, 541 pp., 2005.
The Politics of Health Legislation: An Economic Perspective, 3rd edition, Health Administration Press, Chicago, Illinois, 2006.
Health Policy Issues: An Economic Perspective on Health Reform, 4th edition, Health Administration Press, Chicago, Illinois, 2007.
"Hospital Indicators: A Month by Month View of the Hospital Field," Hospitals, the Journal of the American Hospital Association, April 1, 1964.
"Predicting Hospital Utilization: An Evaluation of Three Approaches" (with Jeremiah German), Inquiry, June 1965.
"Research on the Demand for Health Services," Milbank Memorial Fund Ouarterlv, July 1966.
"The Economics of Hospitals: Peak Loads and Regional Coordination" (with Millard Long), American Economic Review, May 1967.
"The Relationship of Cost to Hospital Size" (with John Carr), Inquiry, a publication of Blue Cross Association, June 1967.
"Applying Economic Concepts to Hospital Care," published in Hospital Administration, the Quarterly Journal of the American College of Hospital Administrators, Winter 1968.
"The Financial Position of Hospitals in the Post-Medicare Period," Social Security Bulletin, October 1968.
"The Financial Position of Hospitals in the First Two Years of Medicare" (with Saul Waldman),Inquiry, March 1969.
"A Preliminary Evaluation of Federal Dental Manpower Subsidy Programs," Inquiry, September 1974.
"Market for Anesthesia Services: Some Estimates and Recommendations," Journal of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, December 1975.
"Payment for Hospital Services: Objectives and Alternatives" (with John Goddeeris), Health Care Management Review, Fall 1977.
"The Foreign Medical Graduate and Public Policy: A Discussion of the Issues and Options" (with Irene Butter), International Journal of Health Services, August 1978.
"Forecasting Health Manpower Requirements: The Case of Thoracic Surgery" (with Hilary Viets), Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Vol. 28, No. 5, November 1979.
"The Politics of Health," The Nation's Health, Courses by Newspaper appearing in over 450 participating newspapers, Winter 1981.
"A National Econometric Forecasting Model of the Dental Sector" (with Charles Roehrig), Health Services Research, Winter 1981.
"Economic Success for Hospitals Depends on Their Adaptability," Hospitals, January 16, 1981.
"Effects of Rate Regulation on Selected Components of Hospital Expenses" (with Glenn Melnick and John Wheeler), Inquiry, Fall 1981.
"Dentistry in the Marketplace: An Economic Forecast," Interview published in Journal of the American Dental Association, January 1982 and February 1982.
"The Coming Conflict Over Hospital Privileges" (with Charles Roehrig), Hospitals, July 16, 1982, and reprinted in The Hospital Medical Staff, October 1982.
"Political Contributions by Health PACs to the 96th Congress" (with Glenn Melnick), Inquiry, Winter 1982.
"Congressional Voting Behavior on Hospital Legislation: An Exploratory Study" (with Glenn Melnick), Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, Vol. 8, No. 4, Winter 1984.
"How to Cope in Today's Health Care Market," Physician’s Management, Vol. 24, No. 10, pp. 165-184, October 1984.
"The Changing Structure of the Medical Care Delivery System in the United States," Journal of Medical Practice Management, June 1985.
"An Economic Analysis of Comparable Worth" (with J. Disch), Journal of Nursing Administration, Vol. 16, No. 6, June 1986.
"Productivity and Effectiveness: An Economist's Viewpoint," Health Matrix, Vol. 3, No. 4, Winter 1986.
"The Strategic Planning Game: A Computer Game for Health Care Administrators," Journal of Health Administration Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, Winter 1986.
"The Changing Health Care Delivery System," Trustee, Vol. 39, No. 2, February 1986.
"The Emergence of Market Competition in the U.S. Health Care System: Its Causes, Likely Structure and Implications," in Health Policy, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1986.
"Comparable Worth: How Good an Idea?" Health Care Management Review, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1986.
"Private Cost Containment: The Effects of Utilization Review Programs on Health Care Use and Expenditures" (with Thomas Wickizer and John Wheeler), The New England Journal of Medicine, May 19, 1988.
"The Effects of UR on Hospital Use" (with Thomas Wickizer and John Wheeler), Business and Health, Vol. 5, No. 9, July 1988.
"Does Utilization Review Reduce Unnecessary Hospital Care and Contain Costs?" (with Thomas Wickizer, and John Wheeler), Medical Care, Vol. 27, No. 6, June 1989.
"The Direction of the U.S. Medical Care System," The Journal of Medical Practice Management, Vol. 5, No. 3, Winter 1990.
"Reducing Hospital Use and Expenditures through Utilization Review: Findings from and Outcome Evaluation" (with Thomas Wickizer, John Wheeler, and Margaret McDonald), Quality Assurance and Utilization Review, Vol. 5, No. 3, August 1990.
"An Economic Perspective on Health Politics and Policy," Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, Vol. 30, No. 4, Winter 1990.
"The Financing and Delivery of Medical Services: Issues, Policies, and Prospects," Leader, The Journal of The State Legislative Leaders Foundation, 2(1) Winter 1991.
"A Plan For 'Responsible National Health Insurance"' (with Mark Pauly, Patricia Danzon, and John Hoff), Health Affairs, Vol. 10, No. 1, Spring 1991.
"Have Hospital Inpatient Cost Containment Programs Contributed to the Growth in Outpatient Expenditures?" (with Thomas M. Wickizer and John R.C. Wheeler), Medical Care, Vol. 29, No. 5, Spring 1991.
"How we Can Get Responsible National Health Insurance" (with Mark Pauly, Patricia Danzon, and John Hoff), The American Enterprise, Vol. 3, No. 4, July/August 1992.
"A Study of Treatment Differences and Other Prognostic Factors Related to Breast Cancer Survival: Delivery Systems and Medical Outcomes" (with Anna Lee-Feldstein and Hoda Anton-Culver), Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 271, No. 15, April 20, 1994.
"Analysis of Private Health Insurance Premium Growth Rates: 1985-1992" (with Thomas Wickizer), Medical Care, Vol. 33, No. 10, October 1995.
"The Impact of HMO Competition on Private Health Insurance Premiums: 1985-1992" (with Thomas Wickizer), Inquiry, Vol. 32, No. 3, Fall 1995.
“Consumers' Sensitivity To Health Plan Premiums: Evidence From A Natural Experiment In California” (with Thomas Buchmueller), Health Affairs, Vol. 15, No. 1, Spring 1996.
“Does HMO Competition Reduce Health Insurance Premiums? Recent Evidence” (with Thomas Wickizer), Medical Practice Management, Vol. 12, No. 1, July/August 1996.
“A Multi-Equation Model of Payments and Public Access to Services: The Case of Dentistry” (with Richard Scheffler, Stephen Foreman and Tei-Wei Hu), Applied Economics, Vol. 28, No. 11, 1996.
"The effect of price on switching among health plans" (with Thomas Buchmueller), Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 16, No. 2, 1997.
"Changes in Benefit Payments and Health Insurance Premiums Among Firms Switching Health Insurance Carriers" (with Thomas Wickizer and Karen Travis), The American Journal of Managed Care, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1998.
“Does Competition by Health Maintenance Organizations Affect the Adoption of Cost-Containment Measures by Fee-for-Service Plans?” (with Jutta M. Joesch and Thomas Wickizer), The American Journal of Managed Care, Vol. 4, No. 6, 1998.
“The Relationship of HMOs, Health Issues, and Delivery Systems to Breast Cancer Outcomes” (with Anna Lee-Feldstein, Thomas Buchmueller and Gale Katterhagen), Medical Care, Vol. 38, No. 7, 2000.
“Breast Cancer Outcomes among Older Women: HMO, Fee-for-Service, and Delivery System Comparisons” (with Anna Lee-Feldstein, Thomas Buchmueller and Gale Katterhagen), Journal of General Internal Medicine, Vol. 16, March 2001.
“Health Care Factors Related to Stage at Diagnosis and Survival among Medicare Patients with Colorectal Cancer” (with Anna-Lee Feldstein), Medical Care, May 2002.
“Switching Costs, Price Sensitivity and Health Plan Choice” (with Bruce A. Strombom and Thomas Buchmueller), Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2002.
"The Case for an Unmanaged Investment Company" (with Edward F. Renshaw), in Eugene M. Lerner, ed., Readings in Financial Analysis and Investment Management, Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Homewood, IL, 1963.
"The Demand for Medical Care," Report of the Commission on Cost of Medical Care, American Medical Association, Chicago, IL, June 1964.
"The Effect of Income on Medical Care Spending" (with John Carr), published in the Proceedings, Social Statistics Section, Journal of the American Statistical Association, December 1964.
"Recent Research on Hospital Use," in Where Is Hospital Use Headed?, Program in Hospital Administration, University of Chicago, It, 1964.
"An Analysis of Alternative Incentive Reimbursement Plans," published in Compendium of Papers for an Economic Analysis of Federal Programs for the Development of Human Resources, Sub-Committee on Economic Progress, Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, February 1968.
"A Proposal for Capitation Reimbursement to Medical Groups for Total Medical Care," and "An Analysis of Reimbursement Plans," in Reimbursement Incentives for Medical Care: Objectives and Alternatives, Office of Research and Statistics, Social Security Administration, March 1968.
"Toward an Economic Model of the Medical Care Market," in George K. Chacko, ed.,: Recognition of Systems in Health Services, Operations Research Society of America, 5733 N. 27th Street, Arlington, VA, 1969.
"Comment on Harold Cohen's Paper," in Herbert Klarman, ed., Empirical Studies in Health Economics, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1970.
"An Econometric Model of the Medical Care Market" (with Sander Kelman), in Herbert Klarman, ed., Empirical Studies in Health Economics, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1970.
"Cost Analysis and Data Needed for a Better Appreciation of Choices in the Provision of Medical Care," in P.M. Densen, et al., eds., University Medical Care Programs: Evaluation, Department of Health, Education and Welfare Publication No. (HSM) 723010, December 1971.
"The Present Medical Care System in the United States: An Economic Problem," in J.C. Morrealle, ed., The Medical Care Industry: The Economist's Point of View, Graduate School of Business Administration, The University of Michigan, 1974.
"Funding and Payment of Dental Care: An Analysis of Possible Alternatives," in William E. Brown, ed., Oral Health, Dentistry and the American Public, University of Oklahoma Press, 1974.
"A Review of Productivity in Dentistry," in John Rafferty, ed., Health Manpower and Productivity, Lexington Books, 1974.
"Inflation: Its Impact on Medical Training Programs" (with George Wright), in Michael Zubkoff, ed., Health: A Victim and Cause of Inflation, Milbank Memorial Fund, Prodist, New York, NY, 1976.
"A Short Term Forecast of Hospital Costs," with John Goddeeris, in H. Berman, ed., Health Care in the American Economy: Issues and Forecasts, Blue Cross Association, Chicago, IL, May 1977.
"The Political Environment of Regulation," in Arthur Levin, ed., Regulating Health Care: The Struggle for Control, American Academy of Political Science, New York, NY, 1980.
"A National Econometric Forecasting Model of the Dental Sector," with Charles Roehrig, in L. Jackson Brown and John E. Winslow, eds., Modeling Techniques and Applications in Dentistry, Dept. of Health and Human Services, DHHS Publication No. (HRA) 81 8, Washington, D.C., 1981.
"Health Legislation, Interest Groups and Medical Care Costs," in John R. Mannix and Duncan Neuhauser, eds., Competition and Regulation: The Quest for Excellence in Health Care, AUPHA Press, Ann Arbor, MI, 1981.
"Economics as a Regulator," in Donald S. Baster, ed., The New Regulators, Ross Laboratories, Columbus, OH, 1982.
"Trends in the Financing and Delivery of Health Services," in Saul Hymans, ed., The Economic Outlook for 1985, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1984.
"Economic Trends in Health Care for the 1980s," in Sisay Asefa, ed., Economic Decision Making, Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA, 1985.
"Health Associations and the Legislative Process," in Theodor Litman and Leonard Robbins, eds., Health Politics and Policy, 2nd ed., Delmar Publishers, Albany, New York 1991.
"Why the United States Has Not Had National Health Insurance," in Robert P. Huefner and Margaret P. Battin, eds., Changing to National Health Care, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City Utah 1992.
"The Changing Structure of the Health Care Delivery System in the United States," in Marilynn M. Rosenthal and Marcel Frenkel, eds., Health Care Systems and Their Patients: An International Perspective, Westview Press, San Francisco 1992.
Book Review, “The Economic Evolution of American Health Care: From Marcus Welby to Managed Care,” by David Dranove, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 39, September 2001.
“La crisi nell’assistenza sanitaria degli USA” (Italian), in V. Atella, A. Donia Sofio, F.S. Mennini and F. Spandonaro, eds., Rapporto CEIS - Sanità 2003 – Bisogni, risorse e nuove strategie, CEIS – Sanità, Faculty of Economics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Italpromo Esis Publishing 2003.
“Recenti sviluppi nel sistema sanitario degli Stai Uniti, 2005” (Italian), in V. Atella, A. Donia Sofio, M. Meneguzzo, F.S. Mennini and F. Spandonaro, eds., Rapporto CEIS - Sanità 2005 – Sette parole chiave del SSN, CEIS – Sanità, Faculty of Economics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Italpromo Esis Publishing 2005.
“I problemi di politica sanitaria negli Stati Uniti” (Italian) (with Thomas Buchmueller), in A. Donia Sofio, M. Meneguzzo, F.S. Mennini and F. Spandonaro, eds., Rapporto CEIS - Sanità 2006 – Il governo del sistema sanitario, CEIS – Sanità, Faculty of Economics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Health Communication 2006.