
Vibhanshu Abhishek

Vibhanshu Abhishek

Associate Professor
Information Systems

SB1 3215  


PhD in OPIM, University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
MA in Statistics, University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
BTech in Computer Science, Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur

Research Interest

Technology-enabled markets

Digital Advertising


Online Platforms


Causal Inference

Vibhanshu Abhishek is an Associate Professor of Information Systems the Paul Merage School of Business, University of California - Irvine. His research focuses on the effect of emerging technologies on consumers' behavior, business strategy and market structure. He is particularly interested in multi-channel coordination and examines issues in multi-channel retail, advertising and pricing. He studies how consumers respond to different forms of advertising and how companies can strategically use new advertising channels to connect with their consumers. He also examines the dynamics of e-commerce marketplaces and their interaction with traditional retail. More recently, he is interested in understanding consumer behavior in the presence of shared urban mobility systems.

Dr. Abhishek has published in top management journals like Operations Research, Marketing Science, Management Science, MIS Quarterly and Journal of Interactive Marketing. He is also a recipient of the Google Faculty research award, Adobe Faculty grant, Flipkart research grand and has won several awards like the ISA-INFORMS best paper award, CIST best student paper award and the ISS Nunamaker-Chen Dissertation award.

His research has been cited in popular press outlets such as the Sloan Management Review, NY Times, Forbes, Fortune, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Seattle times and Wall Street Journal. He has worked with several firms including McKinsey & Co., Sequoia Capital, Pirates, LEGO, Adobe, FICO, IBM and Omnicom and advises hi-tech startups.

He received a PhD in Operations and Information Management and a M.A. in Statistics from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He also holds a B.Tech in Computer Science from IIT Kanpur. Before joining UC Irvine, Dr. Abhishek was an Assistant Professor of Information Systems at the Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University.