Associate Dean for Research and PhD Program, Dean’s Leadership Circle Chair, Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship
PhD in Management, Stern School of Business, New York University
MBA, Madrid Business School, University of Houston, Madrid, Spain
JD, Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia, Bulgaria
Strategic Innovation
Strategy Under Uncertainty
Strategic Foresight and Imagination
Scenario Planning
Business Innovation
Industry Disruption
Strategic Leadership
Strategic Entrepreneurship
Corporate Purpose and Stakeholder Strategy
Corporate Reputation
Reputation Management
Associate Dean for Research and PhD Program, Dean’s Leadership Circle Chair, Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Strategic Innovation
Strategy Under Uncertainty
Strategic Foresight and Imagination
Scenario Planning
Business Innovation
Industry Disruption
Strategic Leadership
Strategic Entrepreneurship
Corporate Purpose and Stakeholder Strategy
Corporate Reputation
Reputation Management
Professor Violina Rindova holds the Dean’s Leadership Circle Chair. Prior the joining the Merage School of Business, she was on the faculty of the Marshall School of Business, USC, where she held the Captain Henry W. Simonsen Chair in Strategic Entrepreneurship and served as a Research Director of the Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies; and the faculty of the McCombs School of Business, where she held the Zlotnik Family Chair in Entrepreneurship and Herb Kelleher Chair in Entrepreneurship and served as the Director of the Herb Kelleher Center for Entrepreneurship, Growth and Renewal. She holds a PhD in Management from the Stern School of Business, New York University, an MBA from Madrid Business School, Spain, and a JD from Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Professor Rindova has published over 70 articles and book chapters in the leading management journals on a variety of strategy and entrepreneurship topics including competitive and growth strategies in dynamic and uncertain technology contexts; the socio-cognitive and cultural approaches to strategic innovation and market creation and transformation; and stakeholder evaluations, media attention, and the development of firm reputation. Her recent work focuses on strategy under uncertainty and how firms imagine and shape the future through design-based strategies. Her work has been frequently in the business media, including the Economist, the New York Times, and the Washington Post. She is the recipient of multiple grants and awards, including the Thought Leadership Award from the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management, the Award for Outstanding Scholarly Contribution from Strategic Organization, the Best Paper Award from the Strategic Management Society, and the Journal of Management Inquiry Distinguished Scholar Award. She has served as an Associate Editor of the Academy of Management Review and is currently a senior editor at Strategy Science.
Professor Rindova has taught in a variety of executive programs around the globe and has worked with clients from the advertising, entrainment, insurance, food, healthcare, and education industries.
Please see Professor Rindova's CV for more information.
Rindova, V.P., Petkova, A., (Forthcoming) For the love of change: How strategic leaders shape dynamic capabilities. In Advances in Strategic Management.
Weiss et al. 2023. The Social Effects of Entrepreneurship on Society and Some Potential Remedies: Four Provocations, Journal of Management Inquiry, 1–27,
DOI: 10.1177/10564926231181555
Rindova, V.P. & Martins, L. L. 2023. Moral Imagination, the Collective Desirable, and Strategic Purpose. Strategy Science, 8(2):170-181
Rindova, V.P. & Martins, L. L. 2022. Futurescapes: Imagination and temporal reorganization in the design of strategic narratives. Strategic Organization, vol 20 (1): 200-224
Rindova, V.P., Srinivas, S.B. and Martins, L.L. 2022.How to Break Free: An Orders-of-Worth Perspective on Emancipatory Entrepreneurship. In Eberhart, R.N., Lounsbury, M. and Aldrich, H.E. (Ed.) Entrepreneurialism and Society: New Theoretical Perspectives (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 81), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 101-127
Rindova, V. P, & Martins, L. L. 2021. Shaping possibilities: A design-science approach to developing novel strategies. Academy of Management Review, vol 46 (4): 800-822. Best Paper Prize, Strategic Management Society, Special Conference “Designing the Future,” Berkeley, CA
Turner, S. and Rindova, V. 2021. Time and temporality in routine dynamics. In Feldman M. S., Pentland B. T., D’Adderio L., Dittrich K., Rerup C., & Seidl D. (Eds.). 2021. Cambridge Handbook of Routine Dynamics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Rindova, V. P. and Courtney, H. G. 2020. To shape or adapt? Knowledge problems, epistemologies, and strategic postures under Knightean uncertainty. Academy of Management Review. Vol. 45, No. 4, 787–807. Runner-up, OMT Best Published Paper Award in 2020.
Pontikes, E. & Rindova, V. P. 2020. Shaping Markets Through Temporal, Constructive, and Interactive Agency, Strategy Science, 5 (3): 149–159
Pollock, T. G., Lashley, K., Rindova, V. P., Hoon, J.H. 2019. Which of These Things Are not Like the Others? Comparing the Rational, Emotional, and Moral Aspects Of Reputation, Status, Celebrity, and Stigma. Academy of Management Annals, 13 (2): 444–478
Ravasi, D., Rindova, V. P., and Stigliani, I. 2019. The Stuff of Legend: History, Material Memory and the Temporality of Identity Construction. Academy of Management Journal. 62(5):1523-1555
Rindova, V. P. and Martins, L. L. 2018. From Values to Value: Value Rationality and the Creation of Great Strategies, Strategy Science, 3 (1): 323-334.
Turner, S. F. and Rindova, V. P. 2018. Watching the Clock: Action Timing, Patterning, and Routine Performance, Academy of Management Journal. 61 (4):
Hubbard, T., Pollock, T, Pfarrer, M. & Rindova, V. P. 2018. Hot Hands or Safe Bets: The Effects of Status and Celebrity on IPO firms’ Alliance Formations. Academy of Management Journal, 61 (5):
Ravasi, D., Rindova, V. P., Etter, M. Cornelissen, J. 2018. The Formation of Organizational Reputation. Academy of Management Annals, 12 (2): 1–25. Lead Article.
Rindova, V. P., Martins, L. L., Srinivas, S. B., Chandler, D. 2018. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Organizational Rankings: A Multi-Disciplinary Review of the Literature and Directions for Future Research, Journal of Management. 44 (6): 2175–2208. Lead Article.
Rindova, V. P. & Martins, L. L. 2018. The Three Minds of the Strategist: Toward an Agentic Perspective in Behavioral Strategy. In Augier, M., Fang, C., and Rindova V. P. (Eds). Advances in Strategic Management, volume 39: 167 – 179.
Augier, M. Fang, C., Rindova, V.P. 2018. Introduction–Behavioral Strategy: A Quick Account. In Augier, M., Fang, C., and Rindova V. P. (Eds). Advances in Strategic Management, volume 39.
Ravasi, D., Rindova, V., & Dalpiaz, E. 2018. Analyzing Changes in Organizational Cultural Repertoires. In Mir, R. & Jain, S. (Eds). Routledge Companion to Qualitative Research in Organization Studies, Ch. 14, p. 203-226. Routledge.
Rindova, V. 2018. Reputation. Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management.
Dalpiaz, E., Rindova, V.P., & Ravasi, D. 2016. Combining Logics to Transform Organizational Agency: Blending Industry and Art at Alessi. Administrative Science Quarterly, 61 (3): 347-392.
Rindova, V.P., Martins, L.L., Yeow, A. 2016. The Hare and the Fast Tortoise: Dynamic Resource Reconfiguration and the Pursuit of New Growth Opportunities by Yahoo and Google (1995–2007). In Folta, T.B., Helfat, C.E., Karim, S. (Eds.) Advances in Strategic Management, Volume 35: pp.253 – 284.
Kyprianou, C. Graebner, M. and Rindova, V. P. 2016. Strategic conversations: Methods for data collection and analysis. In Elsbach K. & Kramer, R. (Eds.) Handbook of Qualitative Research: Innovative Pathways and Methods. Routledge, New York, NY.
Martins, L., Rindova, V.P., & Greenbaum, B. 2015. Unlocking the hidden value of concepts: A cognitive perspective business model innovation. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 9:99-117.
2023 Top 10% Faculty in Student Evaluations, Fall 2022, Marshall School of Business
2022 Western Academy of Management JMI Scholar Award
2021 Runner-up, OMT Best Published Paper Award in 2020 in management and sociology
2020 Best Paper Prize, Strategic Management Society, Special Conference “Designing the Future,” Berkeley, CA
2019 Outstanding Research Award, MOR Department, Marshall School of Business
2018 “Top Gun” Award for Outstanding Research, Teaching, and Service, MOR Department, Marshall School of Business
2015 Humanities Institute Fellow
Senior Editor, Strategy Science (2018-present)
Guest Editor, Strategy Science, “Shaping the Future: Strategies for market creation and transformation" (2019-2020)
Guest Editor, Academy of Management Review, Special topic forum: “Dreaming, Discovering, Creating: The Visions and Costs of Entrepreneuring” (2006-2008)
Associate Editor, Academy of Management Review (2005-2008)