Shared Lecturer Suite (SB1-3232)
PhD, Information Systems and Technologies, Claremont Graduate University, 2006
MS, Management Science, Cal State Fullerton, 1996
BS, Mathematics, Biola University, 1987
Use of data to improve student retention
Machine learning to improve website donations
Shared Lecturer Suite (SB1-3232)
Use of data to improve student retention
Machine learning to improve website donations
Dr. Bourgeois has been a full time academic for the past twenty years, with a focus on the fields of information systems and data analytics. Courses taught include Management Information Systems, Digital Business, Business Analytics, Advanced Business Analytics, and Business Intelligence. His research interests center around the use of digital technologies and data to improve faith-based organizations and small businesses. Besides his academic roles, Dr. Bourgeois also consults in the areas of website development and analytics. Before his academic career, Dr. Bourgeois spent fifteen years working in corporate IT at several companies in many roles, including systems analyst, software developer, helpdesk analyst, and group manager.
Information Systems for Business and Beyond. Published Through the Open Textbook Challenge by The Saylor Academy. August 2019 (2nd edition), February 2014 (1st edition). (textbook)
“Social Media and the Mobile Device in Media Education”. Presentation with Tamara Welter (Biola University) and Naniek Setjadi (Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia). International Christian Higher Education Conference, Lippo Village, Karawaci, Indonesia. November 2014.
“The Impact of Digital Media on Relationships”. Presentation with Tamara Welter (Biola University). International Christian Higher Education Conference, Lippo Village, Karawaci, Indonesia. November 2014.
Ministry in the Digital Age. Intervarsity Press, 2013. (book)