The first edition was published by McGraw-Hill in 1996.
The book has been translated into Chinese, Hungarian, Japanese,
Korean, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish.
It has been called an "industry standard".
The second edition of Value at Risk was
published in August 2000.
The third edition of the book was published
in October 2006.
This includes:
A new feature of the Third Edition is the addition of
questions and exercises at the end of each chapter,
making it even easier to check progress.
Solutions are here:
For comments, please email to:
pjorion AT uci DOT edu
This expands the first
edition by more than sixty percent,
with new chapters on backtesting, stress-testing, liquidity risk,
operational risk, integrated risk management, and applications of VAR.
Order the book at
An increased emphasis on operational risk
Extensions of VAR to integrated risk management and economic capital
Applications of VAR to risk budgeting in investment management
Descriptions of new risk-management techniques, including extreme value
theory, principal components, and copulas
Extensive coverage of the recently finalized Basel II capital adequacy rules for commercial banks.
Order the book at
Philippe Jorion's home page