Dr. Judy B. Rosener has taught and done research in the areas of men and women at work, cultural diversity, and business and government for 30 years. She has authored two books and published numerous articles in academic journals and the mass media. She is a sought-after speaker in both the public and private sector.

Dr. Rosener is the author of the path-breaking article, "Ways Women Lead" (Harvard Business Review, November-December, 1990), co-author of Workforce America! Managing Employee Diversity as a Vital Resource (Business One Irwin, 1991), and author of America's Competitive Secret, Woman Managers (Oxford University Press, Paperback, Fall 1997). She is currently working on a book about sex-based brain, hormonal and socialization differences, and their implications for decision making in the workplace.

Professor Rosener was a regular columnist for the Los Angeles Times for five years, a commentator on the PBS TV show "Life and Times," and was a columnist for the Orange County Business Journal. She has written extensively for the academic and popular press.

Dr. Rosener is currently a member of the IWF (International Women's Forum), The Belizean Grove, Girls, Inc. and the LWV (League of Women Voters).  She served on the Board of Advisors, School of Politics and Economics, Claremont Graduate University. Dr. Rosener was on Board of Directors of KCET, the public television station for Southern California for ten years, and a Commissioner on the California Coastal Commission for eight years, a major regulatory agency in California. Dr. Rosener was also a member of the 1969 Orange County Grand Jury.

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