
Organization and Management

Leadership in a digitally driven world demands new interpersonal and organizational skills. The pace and complexity of our digital world has changed the landscape for leaders as industry boundaries are blurring, teams are expanding across the globe, hierarchies are flattening, and worker-firm relations transcend traditional definitions of “employee.” Understanding why and how people come together to work toward common goals in this changing world is more important than ever before.

The Organization and Management area offers courses that draw on cutting-edge theory and research on both organizational behavior and organization theory. Organizational behavior addresses topics such as leadership, cross-cultural and inclusive management, managing work groups, decision making, motivation, creativity, trust, power and influence, negotiations, and organizational commitment. Organization theory offers insights on topics including innovation, organizational design and adaptation, workplace inequality, career processes, professionalization, work-family policies, and social networks. 

The Organization and Management area also has one of the country's most prominent doctoral programs for people interested in a career as a professor in a business school. All doctoral students work closely with multiple faculty mentors to develop their own original program of academic research in organizational behavior or organization theory.


Noah Askin

Noah Askin
Associate Professor
Research Interest: Organization Theory, Creativity & Innovation, Social Networks, Creative/Cultural Industries,  Status & Rankings

Christopher Bauman

Christopher Bauman
Research Interests: Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Diversity, Negotiations, Organizational Justice

Gerard Beenen

Gerard Beenen
Research Interests: Workplace motivation, learning and creativity, Managerial interpersonal skills, Leadership effectiveness

Patrick Bergemann

Patrick Bergemann
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Whistleblowing, Wrongdoing, Organizational Theory, Social Networks

Maritza Salazar Campo

Maritza Salazar Campo
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Research Interests: Team Science, Group dynamics and processes, Team-based organizations, Global teams, Impact of culture on work behavior, International management, Management of innovation and learning

Martha Feldman

Martha Feldman
Johnson Chair for Civic Governance and Public Management; Professor of Planning, Policy, and Design, Management, Sociology, and Political Science, School of Social Ecology
Research Interests: Organization Theory and Behavior, Stability and Change in Organizations, Decision Making and Information Processing, Public Management, Qualitative Research Methods


Jennifer Hite
Senior Continuing Lecturer
Research Interests: Organizational Behavior, Organizational Communication, Business Communication

Sharon Koppman

Sharon Koppman
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Organization Theory, Work and Occupations, Sociology of Culture, Hiring and Careers, Creative Industries

Ming Leung

Ming Leung
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Organizational Theory, Hiring and Labor Markets, Diversity and Discrimination, Careers and Mobility, Gig-Economy Freelancing and other Technology Mediated Platforms

Newton Margulies

Newton Margulies
Professor Emeritus
Research Interests: Organizational Behavior

Melissa Mazmanian

Melissa Mazmanian
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Communication Technologies (as used in-practice within organizational and personal contexts), Individual experience and social dynamics that emerge when people adapt to using wireless communication

Gerardo Okhuysen

Gerardo Okhuysen
Research Interests: Managing Groups and Teams, Leadership, Conducting Research in Organizations

Susan Padernacht

Susan Padernacht
Continuing Lecturer
Research Interests: Leadership and Management Development, Organization Development

Jone L. Pearce

Jone L. Pearce
Distinguished Professor Emerita
Research Interests: Human resources management, Organizational behavior and design, Leadership

Shaun Pichler

Shaun Pichler

Claudia Bird Schoonhoven

Claudia Bird Schoonhoven
Professor Emerita

Ian Williamson

Ian O. Williamson

Maia Young

Maia Young
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Emotions, Decision Making, Leadership


Undergraduate business classes may be found through the UCI course catalogue.