Shared Lecturer Suite: SB1 3232
Frank Seddigh is a career General Counsel and business advisor with a profound appreciation and understanding of business risk, balance sheet impact, and financial statement considerations as they pertain to corporate business and legal affairs. Frank has always been a strategic growth partner and problem solver of all things legal and business for public and private companies. He has considerable experience with SEC, due diligence, financing, M&A, real estate, and transactional work, coupled with the related labor and employment aspects of running multinational companies. Frank is a self-described “deal lawyer” with over 15 years of experience.
He began his career in public accounting, focused mainly on M&A and cross-border transactional analysis. From public accounting, Frank moved into IPO and General Counsel work at the nation’s largest manufacturer of USA-made apparel, and focused on all areas of in-house global legal work, reporting directly to CFOs and CEOs during his corporate career. After that, Frank continued working as a General Counsel and Chief of Operations in the consumer goods, fashion, media, hospitality, and technology industries. He created the firm to serve emerging businesses in global markets, in a more meaningful and trustworthy way, beyond what conventional law firms can offer.